Join us at the Waterloo site for a cooking party! We will be preparing frozen meals, to be available for our Meals 4 Encouragement ministry at our church.
Food will be provided, we just need hands to cook...and clean up!
Please feel welcome to bring a small donation towards the cost of the food.
We will begin at 10:00am and estimate around three hours, to cook, package food and clean up.
What is WMB's Meals for Encouragement?
These are frozen, homecooked meals, donated by congregants and small groups, which can be used to help encourage families in our congregation, as well as those in our community, who have loved ones in the hospital, going through a hardship or have lost a loved one. This is a great opportunity to be the hands of Jesus to someone in need. If you are interested in picking up some meals, please contact the church office.
This is a group for singles and single again people, 40+, who are interested in discipleship, friendship and social activities with others in our congregation, or who are looking for a connection to Christian community. We value forming intentional connections, to grow as disciples of Jesus together in this season of life. We are always open to new members.