ENCOUNTER Jesus and his heart for MISSION, with the Church, TOGETHER.
SOAR Ontario is a four-day missions and discipleship experience for high school students right here in KW, happening March Break of 2025. Youth from across our region are invited to discover what it means to share the gospel, love our community, and experience God's profound love in our lives.
More info and details at: https://multiply.net/soar/ontario
Got questions? Get in touch with Derek (derekklumpenhouwer@wmbchurch.ca or Emily (emilyweber@wmbchurch.ca)
FAQ’s about SOAR Ontario:
When is it? March 11-14th, 2025. We’ll spend the majority of each day together, but youth will go home to their families for the nights.
Where is it? SOAR Ontario will be based out of the WMB Kitchener Site, where we will likely begin and end each day, but participants will spend time out in the city during the service/outreach projects.
Who is it for? WMB Sr Youth!
What kind of activities will the groups be doing? The youth will be partnered up with local organizations to serve the community within the downtown Kitchener area. This can look different each day, but could include things like serving a meal at a soup kitchen, taking a prayer walk to pray and learn about the community, having conversations or doing surveys on the streets to engage people in gospel conversations, or running activities for kids in local parks.
How much does it cost? $150 to cover food and transportation for the event.